Dagda wrote:I'm sure Ferro is also taken, my second favorite character after Logan himself. I love those books, can't wait for Red Country to come out.
I didn't read 'Heroes' yet, annotation kind of scared me off.
By the way, if you liked the dark style and not having a 'good' hero (most characters these are quite 'bad' or at least chaotic), Black Company series from Glenn Cook is the way to go.
But, it is quite old, and you probably have read it by now.
I actually haven't read Black Company as yet. I've started it, but I'm so bad since I started reading on my kindle app on the iPhone, if I can't read it on an ereader format I never get around to reading it. I have the first book sitting on my shelf collecting dust and I have the first book of the Thomas Covenant series doing the same.
I actually tried to swipe a page a few months ago when reading a paper book. My girlfriend laughed at me a lot.
As far as the world transfer it's as simple as going to world selection in the bottom left and then choosing Henge of Denravi.
hey guys! I don't think i have much time these days to play an MMO =( I'll be in Miami through december, and then i'm moving to LA to take a shot out there....i'll let you know if things change =(
1) I haven't tried PvP yet - intending to try tonight.
2) The crafting is a lot of fun, yet very expensive. Discoveries put a neat twist on crafting, where you try to figure out what you can make with the materials you have - and unlike WAR's broken system you don't keep trying and failing but rather it tells you whether what you are putting together looks like something you can make.
3) The lack of an economy at the moment is frustrating, given that other MMOs have released with a working AH, however I am happy that they are focused on fixing something that they found was broken.
4) I like the exploration aspect of the game, and the fact you get xp for everything you do. The lack of questing is great to me as I get tired of having to go back and turn in quests and I feel like I get rewarded when I just walk in a direction and decide I want to check out what's over there. Granted I have died quite a bit because I've wandered into stuff I couldn't handle...
All in all I'm enjoying it. I'd like to group up with some folks though...
I went in with my level 7 warrior, so all of my skills aren't opened up as yet.
At first I tried to get into the tower we were supposed to defend. Maybe I was being obtuse, but I couldn't figure out how to get in and there was no asura portal to warp into.
Next the enemies attack, you can see their guild tags but not their name - they are just "Server Name" enemy [GUILD TAG] - not that you have time to read any of that.
Oh and the WvW map? HUGE. Plus there are events and areas to explore just like in the PvE world.
Back to PvP. I started off trying to melee with the enemy. Suffice to say I died. Very fast. I tried melee again. Died again. I tried one more time, lasted about 1 second longer (I think they started to realize I wasn't a threat) and died again.
Now this team seemed much more organized than the team I was on. They attacked in a swarm, we defended in bunches. It wasn't pretty at first.
Then I tried ranged. I sat back with my bow and was mowing down the enemy. If they got too close I would tumble backwards and shoot some pinning shots at them. I felt like I was making a difference. I lived for minutes! The enemy noticed I was killing them and started sending their ranged after me, I ran away behind something and came back and started killing them again. I felt effective in PvP!
So my viewpoint on PvP is that (at least for a warrior) ranged rules. I may try some PvP on the guardian with my AoE skillset and see how that goes.
Dagda wrote:Ok some notes on PvP:
I went in with my level 7 warrior, so all of my skills aren't opened up as yet.
Interesting - I was under impression that when you get to pvp you are auto-level 80 and all skills are unlocked... At least that's how it was in the last stress test (the only one I was able to participate).
Speaking of PvP / WvW.
To get to any, there is a queue, which is currently 3+ hours long on our server (if it is server based).
Then when you finally get to it, you will find that ranged classes is the way to go. Why you may ask? Because it takes 300+ badges of honor to get good items, and you get badges from pvp 'kill'.
If you are melee, you can 'kill' few folks, while if you are AoE ranged, you can 'kill' QUITE a few folks (you can get drop for anything killed that you at least decently damaged).
Framerate also sucks.
So if you are melee, structured pvp seems to be the way to go.
This time tired of waiting endlessly for WvW pvp, I went into structured one.
Immediate 10v10 matches, not the tournament.
Excellent - few different maps, melee feels MUCH better.
Interestingly enough, on each next game you can see former teammates in the opposite team - which makes it even more fun (or not, if that guy was good )
... and then you find it is the same 5 maps over and over...
so the choice is waiting for 3 hours for wvw or playing 5 maps in tourneys.
Thus after 3 weeks of playing comes the verdict: fun at first, then usual boredom.